As soon as the film trailer starts it starts to show you shot of where about the film is taking place, the establishing shots used are good as they tell the audience the location. You then hear so dialogue in a foreign langue which is translated and subtitled at the bottom of the screen/clip. The subtitle says ‘the end of the world’ having such a bold statement at the start of the trailer makes the audience want to keep watching and find out what is meant by it.
After a few more clips it shows a title over the top of another clip the title says ‘...Takes Australian cinema into new territory’ this shows that the film is going to be different to the usual film and that it is good and has changed.
After a few more clips another title comes up saying ‘eight convicts escape’ this is a good pop-up title as it tells the audience some information on what is happening, it sort of tells you that is what happens in act one and that if the audience think watching an escape happen then wait until they see the rest of the film.
The next title comes up a few more clips after saying ‘based on true events’ this makes the audience want to see the film because now they know its not just all made up and a load of rubbish. This also grabs the audience’s attention because they can’t believe it.
Another title is then used saying ‘a hugely impressive debut’ and gives it 4 stars out of 5 for its rating. This shows the audience that it must be good and it must be worth watching.
The clips nearer the end of the trailer get more intense and show that the film genre must be thriller as it looks scary. Leaving the trailer with the more intense clips is good as it leaves the audience with a stronger image of the film in their heads making them remember the trailer and making them want to go see it.
The last subtitle before the main title of the film comes up saying ‘Australia’s darkest secret’, this alone would get a bit audience as it with capture all the Australians attention as they live in Australia and want to find out more about the past.
Between some clips they use very small musical interludes just to link from one clip to another. The music fits the thriller genre as it’s very eerie and strange and quite.
At the end of the trailer the title comes up saying the name of the film ‘Van Diemen’s land’ it then quickly comes up with the subtitle saying ‘hunger is a strange silence’. This gives the audience one last thing to think about, this is a bit creepy but it works well. Finally the release date for the film comes up saying ‘In Cinemas September 24’. This gives the audience they need to know if they want to come see the film, it also says the films website underneath where it says the release date, just encase any one wants to visit it and find out more about the film.
From this research this has made me think more about my genre and what music would fit with which genre and what titles look good within the trailer.

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