Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To make my film magazine front cover I used my own photos which I had taken using a Casio digital camera, I then uploaded them on to an Apple Mac Computer and edited them using Photoshop, below is a video to explain this process and how I did it. Please watch the full video to understand my work process.
Film Mag Plan
Both of these images are planned drawing of what the layout shall look like for my film magazine front cover. I shall take my own photos and make my own texts using a camera and an editing program on an Apple Mac Computer called Photoshop. This shall be made in the same way as I made my film poster.

Film Magazine Front Cover Target Audience
My film magazine front cover will be made for both males and females to view. The film magazine front cover shall stick to the codes and conventions of a typical magazine front cover. The film magazine front cover shall not be aimed directly at either sex. Although men would most likely prefer to look at it as it most likely to have a gory and very graphic picture some where on the cover as the film it shall be advertising is my horror trailer film ‘Bloodshed’. Even though some women also find that pictures are interesting to look at as they don’t see that sort of thing every day, even it doesn’t look very nice.
The genre for my film magazine front cover shall be Thriller/Horror like with the genre for the film teaser trailer and film poster. The film magazine cover may include violence and be rather graphic with the pictures. It shall have one main big masterhead (magazine title, a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person or character), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
I would like my audience to look at the film magazine and think it looks interesting and would make them want to buy it if it were a real product in a shop. My Magazine front cover shall stick to the codes and conventions of the typical film magazine front cover.
Age-the age group e.g. elderly, teenagers etc-
My film magazine front cover will be aimed towards older children/adults aged 15-18 or older. This is because it may include a mild use of violence or explicit materials within the magazine and may use a graphic picture on the front cover which younger children would not like.
The magazine would be put in shops and sometimes in cinemas and in places where young adults tend to look for there magazines, so this would most likely be with other magazine of the same type such as ‘Empire’, ‘NME’, ‘FHM’ etc. This would give the magazine a good advertisement for the audience, as they would know where to look for it.
Class-ABC1, C2DE, lower, higher etc-
I would like my film magazine to be for any class, so anyone who just generally like films and knowing more about them.
My film magazine front cover will be made for both males and females to view. The film magazine front cover shall stick to the codes and conventions of a typical magazine front cover. The film magazine front cover shall not be aimed directly at either sex. Although men would most likely prefer to look at it as it most likely to have a gory and very graphic picture some where on the cover as the film it shall be advertising is my horror trailer film ‘Bloodshed’. Even though some women also find that pictures are interesting to look at as they don’t see that sort of thing every day, even it doesn’t look very nice.
The genre for my film magazine front cover shall be Thriller/Horror like with the genre for the film teaser trailer and film poster. The film magazine cover may include violence and be rather graphic with the pictures. It shall have one main big masterhead (magazine title, a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person or character), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
I would like my audience to look at the film magazine and think it looks interesting and would make them want to buy it if it were a real product in a shop. My Magazine front cover shall stick to the codes and conventions of the typical film magazine front cover.
Age-the age group e.g. elderly, teenagers etc-
My film magazine front cover will be aimed towards older children/adults aged 15-18 or older. This is because it may include a mild use of violence or explicit materials within the magazine and may use a graphic picture on the front cover which younger children would not like.
The magazine would be put in shops and sometimes in cinemas and in places where young adults tend to look for there magazines, so this would most likely be with other magazine of the same type such as ‘Empire’, ‘NME’, ‘FHM’ etc. This would give the magazine a good advertisement for the audience, as they would know where to look for it.
Class-ABC1, C2DE, lower, higher etc-
I would like my film magazine to be for any class, so anyone who just generally like films and knowing more about them.

Monday, November 16, 2009
Research Film Mag Front Cover- Transformers 2
This film magazine front cover also sticks to the codes and conventions of the typical magazine front cover, using one main big masterhead (magazine title) saying Empire, a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person or character), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
This magazine front cover has a lot going on, it looks really interesting and looks as if it is jam packed with fun and appealing information.
It has one main picture and three separate other pictures of interest to its audience. Under the other three pictures it has titles saying what is shown in the picture, this makes them want to look inside the magazine.
The text is appealing to the audience as it says things like ‘MUST-SEE’, it then makes people want people want to buy the magazine to see what they ‘MUST-SEE’ etc.
The cover lines are at the bottom of the magazine front cover this is good as after they have read down from the top of the front cover page, it just tells them other extra stuff; just encase its something they’d like.
It also has the cost of the magazine written next to the date-line; this is good as people are able to see if it is a new or old issue and how much it shall cost them to buy etc.
From looking at this magazine front cover I have thought about using extra separate pictures as well as the main picture, I have also thought about ways to make my magazine front cover look more jam packed and interesting. I have also thought about where the date-line and cost should be written etc.
This magazine front cover has a lot going on, it looks really interesting and looks as if it is jam packed with fun and appealing information.
It has one main picture and three separate other pictures of interest to its audience. Under the other three pictures it has titles saying what is shown in the picture, this makes them want to look inside the magazine.
The text is appealing to the audience as it says things like ‘MUST-SEE’, it then makes people want people want to buy the magazine to see what they ‘MUST-SEE’ etc.
The cover lines are at the bottom of the magazine front cover this is good as after they have read down from the top of the front cover page, it just tells them other extra stuff; just encase its something they’d like.
It also has the cost of the magazine written next to the date-line; this is good as people are able to see if it is a new or old issue and how much it shall cost them to buy etc.
From looking at this magazine front cover I have thought about using extra separate pictures as well as the main picture, I have also thought about ways to make my magazine front cover look more jam packed and interesting. I have also thought about where the date-line and cost should be written etc.

Research Mag Front Cover- Star Wars
This film magazine front cover also sticks to the codes and conventions of the typical magazine front cover, using one main big masterhead (magazine title) saying Empire, a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person or character), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
The first thing that captures the attention of the audience/ the person viewing the magazine is the writing at the top of the page saying ‘Limited Edition…’ this makes it seem more important and would make people want it as it is limited etc.
The white writing/font at the top of the page looks good as it stands out against the black background of the helmet of the main picture, but the white writing at the bottom of the film magazine front cover is ruined as it goes of the white of the main picture, this makes you not as able to see the writing saying ‘behind the mask’.
It doesn’t use many cover lines at all telling people what is in the magazine, there is only some very important ones.
The magazine front cover also uses a boarder; the boarder also matches colours with the masterhead this looks good as there is a nice link in the colour scheme. The magazine front cover like the others also uses a barcode.
The first thing that captures the attention of the audience/ the person viewing the magazine is the writing at the top of the page saying ‘Limited Edition…’ this makes it seem more important and would make people want it as it is limited etc.
The white writing/font at the top of the page looks good as it stands out against the black background of the helmet of the main picture, but the white writing at the bottom of the film magazine front cover is ruined as it goes of the white of the main picture, this makes you not as able to see the writing saying ‘behind the mask’.
It doesn’t use many cover lines at all telling people what is in the magazine, there is only some very important ones.
The magazine front cover also uses a boarder; the boarder also matches colours with the masterhead this looks good as there is a nice link in the colour scheme. The magazine front cover like the others also uses a barcode.
From looking at this magazine front cover it has reminded me that I will need to have a barcode on my front cover, it also has made me think about using a boarder around my main picture etc.

Research Mag Film Front Cover- The Dark Knight
This film magazine front cover also sticks to the codes and conventions of the typical magazine front cover, using one main big masterhead (magazine title) saying Empire, a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
The main picture over laps but also goes underneath the masterhead, this looks interesting as the background to the picture is in the background of the text and the person is more up front standing in front of the text/ masterhead.This looks really effective, even though people cant see the full masterhead they know it says ‘Empire’ as it is a well known magazine brand company.
The colours used look good as they are bright and look more interesting, they standout more and capture peoples attention better. The purple coat and the green writing etc looks good as they are like opposites and looks good all as one.
It has a date line at the top of the film magazine cover just over the top of the picture and over the top of the masterhead title. It also has a main cover line saying ‘The Dark Knight’ this tells the audience what the main thing to see is in the magazine. It also has other text saying the cover lines; this also tells the audience what to look forward to in the magazine.
From looking at this magazine I have been able to think more bout the main cover line and other cover lines, they have to be interesting and eye capturing to make people want to buy the magazine etc. I also like the layering of the main picture behind and in front of the text.
The main picture over laps but also goes underneath the masterhead, this looks interesting as the background to the picture is in the background of the text and the person is more up front standing in front of the text/ masterhead.This looks really effective, even though people cant see the full masterhead they know it says ‘Empire’ as it is a well known magazine brand company.
The colours used look good as they are bright and look more interesting, they standout more and capture peoples attention better. The purple coat and the green writing etc looks good as they are like opposites and looks good all as one.
It has a date line at the top of the film magazine cover just over the top of the picture and over the top of the masterhead title. It also has a main cover line saying ‘The Dark Knight’ this tells the audience what the main thing to see is in the magazine. It also has other text saying the cover lines; this also tells the audience what to look forward to in the magazine.
From looking at this magazine I have been able to think more bout the main cover line and other cover lines, they have to be interesting and eye capturing to make people want to buy the magazine etc. I also like the layering of the main picture behind and in front of the text.

Research Film Mag Front Cover- Harry Potter
The film magazine front cover sticks to the codes and conventions of the typical magazine front cover, using one main big masterhead (magazine title), a date of the issue line, a main cover line (main topic with in the magazine to grab attention of people), model credit (use of a famous person), a main image, cover lines (other things that the magazine speaks about).
This film magazine front cover uses a nice colour scheme, making the picture really stand out. The colours used bounce of each and stand out making the text and picture look clear. The whites in the fonts go well with the pale face and white shirt of Harry Potter and the yellows bring out the main parts of the text which they want to tell there audience as it is more vibrant. The blue and sign links well with the blue mist and the bluey grey face of Voldemort.
The Picture of Voldemort has been edited well into to the background behind Harry Potter this looks good as it makes him look further away, more mysterious and shows he is the Villain out of the two.
The Main picture with Voldemort over lays the main title/masterhead; this looks good and makes it look more interesting. It also shows that the magazine must be well know anyway, even if they did cover up half the text in the main title people would still be able to known which magazine it is.
The cover lines tell the audience what to look forward to in the magazine and they make sure they write about interesting things that could grab there attention. Like a heroes and villains section etc.
From looking at this magazine front cover I have been able to understand layout and colour scheme for the typical magazine.
This film magazine front cover uses a nice colour scheme, making the picture really stand out. The colours used bounce of each and stand out making the text and picture look clear. The whites in the fonts go well with the pale face and white shirt of Harry Potter and the yellows bring out the main parts of the text which they want to tell there audience as it is more vibrant. The blue and sign links well with the blue mist and the bluey grey face of Voldemort.
The Picture of Voldemort has been edited well into to the background behind Harry Potter this looks good as it makes him look further away, more mysterious and shows he is the Villain out of the two.
The Main picture with Voldemort over lays the main title/masterhead; this looks good and makes it look more interesting. It also shows that the magazine must be well know anyway, even if they did cover up half the text in the main title people would still be able to known which magazine it is.
The cover lines tell the audience what to look forward to in the magazine and they make sure they write about interesting things that could grab there attention. Like a heroes and villains section etc.
From looking at this magazine front cover I have been able to understand layout and colour scheme for the typical magazine.

Friday, November 13, 2009
The Poster was made on an Apple Mac Computer, It was edited using the program Photoshop. The photos used were my own and taken on a digital camera, please watch the full video above to understand fully how I made the video.
Below is my final product of the poster which I made and edited from feedback. I followed the codes and conventions and took my own photos and made everthing on the poster myself. Please click on the image below to enlarge and get a better look.
Also from other feedback I was told that the gradient in the background took away from the main image and didnt look as good, so had to be changed back.
I also tried adding a gradient to the background to get rid of more of the black. From feedback I was told that my new coloured text wasnt as good as the other text as it didnt match up to the blood coloured face on the poster.
I decided that the main title font on the poster didnt satndout enough so I changed the effect and colours for the title to see what it looked like and to get feedback on it. I also enlarged the main image to get rid of more of the black background.
To get rid of these problems I changed the staturation/hue levels of the image and the brightness levels for the image, this made it look less like soup. I also changed the font of the date realease line to make it stand out more. I also made the actors names stand out more by adding a red stroke line around the edge of the font. I also made the eye standout more by cutting around the edge of the eye in the image and seperated from the picture using the lasso tool and then changed the staturation/hue levels and brightness levels to make it look better.
From feedback from friends, family, random people and teachers, I was told that the image aboves main picture looked strange as the blood on the persons face in the image looked more like soup than blood, this I had to change. I was also told that the background behind the image had to much black showing. I was also told that the date release line was to easy to see. Both of these things had to be changed.

Monday, November 9, 2009
This is my final poster, I made it using Photoshop on an Apple Macbook laptop. I also took the photo used using my Casio digital camera , edited and made it look good quality and fit in on the poster using various techniques. I made the text using Photoshop and using different techniques and then layed it all out to look like a good film poster for my film trailer. When people look at the poster they will be able to tell that the film genre isnt very nice and is most likely a horror or thriller film genre, this is done because of the blood on the persons face. The poster includes actors names, a slogan, the date the film shall be realeased and other information.

This poster shows my layout and text design, but is not final, I shall be taken some of my own photographs using a Casio Digitial Camera and not just using a frame shot from the film as it looks bad quality and could look a lot better, I shall make it look like the drawing or similiar to the drawing on my poster plan post previously.

My idea for my poster is to have one of the main characters from the trailer in the center of the poster. This would be the main image, it would be a picture of the person with a blank face and disturbing looking drugged up eyes, this would be done by editing the image using photoshop on an Apple Mac Computer and Macbook. The face would be half be in the dark and half in the light. This would look interesting as you could only see one side of his face and would not be able to tell who exactly it is.
The side of the face in the light will be cover in blood (fake), I will have to think about the mise-en-scene for the picture as I would like the person to look as if he has been attacked, this would be done by the use of make-up etc, I like it to look very graphic. This will show the audience that the film contains strong bloody violence and give them idea of the genre,thisd will be backed up by the sign saying the film is rated 18+.
My poster shall stick to the codes and conventions of the typical poster, my research from looking at other film posters will help me decided on the layout of the image and fonts.
At the top of the poster it will have a few of the main actors names,this will tell the audience who shall be in the film and give them something to look forward to. It shall also include the title at the bottom of the poster 'Bloodshed' this title gives the audience a feel for genre as it sounds quite graphic itself as it includes something not very nice and rather disturbing 'blood'. Underneath the film title it shall have some small font text saying other things to do with the film like who made the film and produced it and created the music etc. This will tell the audience other things they may want to know.I shall also include the release date for the film at the very bottom of the poster and may include a film slogan.
As the film is a thriller genre the colours used on the poster shall be rather dark and suit the image, I may even think about a colour scheme using colours like red and black and white etc.
The side of the face in the light will be cover in blood (fake), I will have to think about the mise-en-scene for the picture as I would like the person to look as if he has been attacked, this would be done by the use of make-up etc, I like it to look very graphic. This will show the audience that the film contains strong bloody violence and give them idea of the genre,thisd will be backed up by the sign saying the film is rated 18+.
My poster shall stick to the codes and conventions of the typical poster, my research from looking at other film posters will help me decided on the layout of the image and fonts.
At the top of the poster it will have a few of the main actors names,this will tell the audience who shall be in the film and give them something to look forward to. It shall also include the title at the bottom of the poster 'Bloodshed' this title gives the audience a feel for genre as it sounds quite graphic itself as it includes something not very nice and rather disturbing 'blood'. Underneath the film title it shall have some small font text saying other things to do with the film like who made the film and produced it and created the music etc. This will tell the audience other things they may want to know.I shall also include the release date for the film at the very bottom of the poster and may include a film slogan.
As the film is a thriller genre the colours used on the poster shall be rather dark and suit the image, I may even think about a colour scheme using colours like red and black and white etc.
Poster Target Audience
1. Gender-male/female-
My film Poster will be made for both males and females to view. The poster will not be aimed directly at either sex, but most likely men would prefer to look at it as it most likely gory and very graphic, although some women also find that pictures/posters that are graphic are interesting to look at as they don’t see that sort of thing every day.
The genre for my poster shall be Thriller/Horror like with the genre for the film teaser trailer itself. The film poster may include violence and be rather graphic; this means it may include a lot of blood and guts. I would like my audience to look at the poster and some what feel a little bit sick to the stomach and may feel scared, creeped out or mystified.
Age-the age group e.g. elderly, teenagers etc-
My film poster will be aimed towards older children-adults aged 15-18 or older. This is because it may include a mild use of violence or explicit violence and may use a very graphic picture which younger children would not like. The poster would be put in areas around cinemas and in places where young adults tend to go, this would be good advertisement for the film but also would be good as younger people who may not like the look of the poster will not go to such places. Although I couldn’t make it to, to bad as people will refuse to advertise it for me, putting it up and the public may complain about it.
Class-ABC1, C2DE, lower, higher etc-
I would like my film to be for anyone from any class who like to watch thriller/action genre films.
My film Poster will be made for both males and females to view. The poster will not be aimed directly at either sex, but most likely men would prefer to look at it as it most likely gory and very graphic, although some women also find that pictures/posters that are graphic are interesting to look at as they don’t see that sort of thing every day.
The genre for my poster shall be Thriller/Horror like with the genre for the film teaser trailer itself. The film poster may include violence and be rather graphic; this means it may include a lot of blood and guts. I would like my audience to look at the poster and some what feel a little bit sick to the stomach and may feel scared, creeped out or mystified.
Age-the age group e.g. elderly, teenagers etc-
My film poster will be aimed towards older children-adults aged 15-18 or older. This is because it may include a mild use of violence or explicit violence and may use a very graphic picture which younger children would not like. The poster would be put in areas around cinemas and in places where young adults tend to go, this would be good advertisement for the film but also would be good as younger people who may not like the look of the poster will not go to such places. Although I couldn’t make it to, to bad as people will refuse to advertise it for me, putting it up and the public may complain about it.
Class-ABC1, C2DE, lower, higher etc-
I would like my film to be for anyone from any class who like to watch thriller/action genre films.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Poster Research-'Saw IV'
The film poster for ‘Saw IV’ uses the codes and conventions of the typical film poster, it has the main title, which tells the audience what film the poster is advertising and has one main picture. It doesn’t have the actors names in a large font and it doesn’t standout, but it does use a slogan for the film saying “it’s a trap” this gives the audience a feeling for what could happen in the plot of the film.
The main picture is very strange and look rather creepy and a bit scary, this makes the audience think that the plot for the film shall also be scary and creepy, this makes them think about the genre for the film, they would most likely think the film is a thriller or horror genre film as the picture on the poster is pretty disturbing.
This poster also tells the audience the release date for the film; this is good, as people would start to look forward to the film coming out. Below the slogan it tells the people looking at the poster other information they may want to know about the film like who the director is and who produced the film etc.
This poster also uses a colour scheme of black, white and red, all three colours have semiotics that represent different things, red could be blood or evil, black could be bad or nasty or danger, white could be mysterious and strange etc, all of this links with the film genre being thriller or horror.
From looking at this poster it has made me think about using a slogan and more about colour scheme and how I should use semiotics and colours to represent things and to show genre for the film. It has also made me think about putting the release date on the poster to tell the audience when the film is coming out.

The main picture is very strange and look rather creepy and a bit scary, this makes the audience think that the plot for the film shall also be scary and creepy, this makes them think about the genre for the film, they would most likely think the film is a thriller or horror genre film as the picture on the poster is pretty disturbing.
This poster also tells the audience the release date for the film; this is good, as people would start to look forward to the film coming out. Below the slogan it tells the people looking at the poster other information they may want to know about the film like who the director is and who produced the film etc.
This poster also uses a colour scheme of black, white and red, all three colours have semiotics that represent different things, red could be blood or evil, black could be bad or nasty or danger, white could be mysterious and strange etc, all of this links with the film genre being thriller or horror.
From looking at this poster it has made me think about using a slogan and more about colour scheme and how I should use semiotics and colours to represent things and to show genre for the film. It has also made me think about putting the release date on the poster to tell the audience when the film is coming out.

Poster Research-'Prom Night'
The poster for the film ‘Prom Night’ also uses the codes and conventions for the typical poster. It has one main picture with one main title. It also uses a slogan, has writing that tells the audience when the film shall be coming out and includes other information about the producers etc.
The poster shows just the mouth of a person screaming this is good, as it doesn’t show the audience who it is and it doesn’t give away too much, but makes the audience presume that the film may be scary and be a thriller or horror genre film.
It also uses a colour scheme which gives the dark, scary, thriller feeling such as black and red with a little bit of white. Which uses semiotics with colours representing different things like the red could be blood, making the audience think that there could be blood in the film etc.
From looking at this poster it has made think about where about I showed put the title on the poster, because on the ‘Saw IV’ poster it has it in the middle whereas on the other posters the title is at the bottom of it.

The poster shows just the mouth of a person screaming this is good, as it doesn’t show the audience who it is and it doesn’t give away too much, but makes the audience presume that the film may be scary and be a thriller or horror genre film.
It also uses a colour scheme which gives the dark, scary, thriller feeling such as black and red with a little bit of white. Which uses semiotics with colours representing different things like the red could be blood, making the audience think that there could be blood in the film etc.
From looking at this poster it has made think about where about I showed put the title on the poster, because on the ‘Saw IV’ poster it has it in the middle whereas on the other posters the title is at the bottom of it.

Poster Research-'The Matrix'
The Poster for “The Matrix” uses the codes and conventions for a typical film poster, it gives the audience the name/title of the film and it shows some of the main characters.
Having the image be of some of the main characters is good as it brings the audience in from look alone. It also links with the writing for the names of the actors who play these characters and who are in the film. Making the fans of these actors want to see the film purely because they are a fan.
At the bottom of the film poster it has writing saying about the film release date but also has a catch phrase/slogan after it, it says ‘on April 2nd the fight for the future begins.’ This tells the audience when the film is going to be released and what to look forward to.
From looking at this poster it has made me think about which characters from my film I need to include in my poster image and how I can link that with the font of the actors names.

Having the image be of some of the main characters is good as it brings the audience in from look alone. It also links with the writing for the names of the actors who play these characters and who are in the film. Making the fans of these actors want to see the film purely because they are a fan.
At the bottom of the film poster it has writing saying about the film release date but also has a catch phrase/slogan after it, it says ‘on April 2nd the fight for the future begins.’ This tells the audience when the film is going to be released and what to look forward to.
From looking at this poster it has made me think about which characters from my film I need to include in my poster image and how I can link that with the font of the actors names.

Poster Research-'Scream 2'
The film Poster for ‘Scream Two’ sticks to the codes and conventions of a typical film poster as it has one main title, this title tells the audience the name of the film, the title on this poster is in bold, capital letters, this makes the audience be able to know what the film poster is advertising from far away. The font isn’t very interesting but really stands out on the black background.
The actors’ names are also on the film poster like with other typical film posters, this tells the audience who shall be in the film. This is good advertisement, as people who like the actors in the film would go to see it purely for fan based purposes. The writing underneath where it has the actors’ names tells the audience about the film company and the directors and producers etc and other information that may interest the audience.
The font used for the actors’ names is similar to the font used for the title this makes a good link and looks good on the poster; the colour of the font matches both the main title and the main picture this works well and creates a nice colour schemed poster.
The main picture doesn’t give any of the film plot away it just shows to shocked faces, this makes the audience think that the film genre may be a scary one, like a thriller or horror genre, this also links with the title for the film and works well on the poster.
From looking at this poster I am able to think about colour used for the font and the type of font used. This will help me when making my poster for my film teaser trailer.

The actors’ names are also on the film poster like with other typical film posters, this tells the audience who shall be in the film. This is good advertisement, as people who like the actors in the film would go to see it purely for fan based purposes. The writing underneath where it has the actors’ names tells the audience about the film company and the directors and producers etc and other information that may interest the audience.
The font used for the actors’ names is similar to the font used for the title this makes a good link and looks good on the poster; the colour of the font matches both the main title and the main picture this works well and creates a nice colour schemed poster.
The main picture doesn’t give any of the film plot away it just shows to shocked faces, this makes the audience think that the film genre may be a scary one, like a thriller or horror genre, this also links with the title for the film and works well on the poster.
From looking at this poster I am able to think about colour used for the font and the type of font used. This will help me when making my poster for my film teaser trailer.

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